The theory of the Six Main Levels of Consciousness of the philosopher Arka, is an analysis of the main levels a practitioner will go through when he or
she undertakes the inner journey of Self-discovery using a heart-based meditation method such as the Intuitive
Meditation (IM) method. It opens science to a new way of understanding and researching consciousness for it
permits phenomenological experiences associated with the different levels, to be researched using different methods
including the scientific method. As it addresses the experiencing aspect of consciousness, it cuts through the
dilemma posed by Chalmers, which he terms the “hard problem of consciousness”. In addition, by recognizing
the thinking Mind (often associated with the brain) as the first level, it helps incorporate the work already
undertaken by many scientists. The levels mentioned by Arka are: 1) M (Mind) – Consciousness, 2) SM
(Subliminal-Mind) – Consciousness, 3) F (Feeling-Mind) – Consciousness, 4) H (Emotional-Heart) – Consciousness, 5)
HS (Heart-Soul) – Consciousness and 6) PS (Pure-Self) – Consciousness. In a recent study using a repeated measures
design, it was found that participants showed a significant shift towards a more feeling-based consciousness after
learning the Intuitive Meditation Method and practicing it a minimum of five times over a 6-week period as measured by the same Feeling Consciousness Scale. This gives support to the third Feeling Mind level of consciousness Arka mentions in his theory. As the role of the heart is said to play a key role in this theory, in this article we present information regarding the heart, embryonic development and pulsation to understand more about the relevance of the heart and why it has been used as a center of attention in meditation practices throughout the ages. Embryogenesis also poses interesting but difficult questions, which, as yet, Western Science has not addressed. It also stimulates the enquiry into the nature of “consciousness” and the fundamental question: Who are we?